Monday, February 21, 2011

that which grips

it wears jeans and a sweatshirt,

to accommodate for the changing weather.

it reads on the weekends,

always checking its watch – reading and rechecking.

it sits and waits patiently,

like a polite customer, uncomplaining and unwavering.

it notices the first limp in step,

and circles round to replace it like an old friend.

it nuzzles into the space

my confidence left vacant.

it moves when I move

and breathes when I leave.

it settles behind my eyelids,

haunting me every time I blink.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

but not

a window
is a wall
to air
but not

to light

Monday, February 14, 2011

I can't say I didn't warn you...

So I was stumbling on and this picture came up (stumble knows me so well). This picture is really inspiring if you think about it. No matter how stupid you may end up looking (or amazing, you're interpretation), always go for the gold (and yes, pun definitely intended).

So go for it, Mr. Gold Digging Gorilla!

(see blog description if utterly lost)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let Your Mercy Fall

So...a few weeks ago I was just messing around on guitar (often I record it in the background, just in case I do something cool I want to remember in the future) and this sort of blah-ed out. It's more of an impromptu prayer with guitar...therefore its really rough and you can tell I'm making stuff up as I go...but nevertheless I thought I'd share it, because it turned out meaning a lot to me. (I ended up writing the lyrics out after I recorded the song..kind of backwards..but i guess it works).

so many times
to you I call
and I fall
short of what i'm meant to be

lord let your mercy fall
all around me
so I can see