Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Wondered Once

I wondered once what vision must see
if it is humanity who kneels to reality.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Deeper Than Thought

Do you ever find yourself reading something and come along a quote/sentence that makes you want to give the author a high five? Something that either really resonates with you or just tells the truth about something in such a way that you think "yes!" This happens to me all the time...unfortunately the author's don't appreciate me smacking them all the time, haha....
but anyways, here's a short thought from John Knowles' novel "A Separate Peace,"

Perhaps I was stopped by that level of feeling, deeper than thought, which contains the truth.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ocean Potion Sunblock

The fragrance of summer
tickles my lathered nose.
Coconut nostalgia soaks into every pore,
sinks deep into memories
scripted in tiny wrinkles,
protecting against treacherous reflections
-- the sun’s rays, reminiscing thoughts --
with opaque armor.
Silky and cool and nourishing and yet
a yearning for the salty deep’s freedom
engulfes me.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Show me how to trace
the wrinkles in your face,

to read your know-how
of survival branch by page.

Youthful feet hopping
knobby knees to dreamland.

Now earth’s secrets are chasing me
at my own dance.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Into the Earth

Into the earth
my lazy back sinks and sighs.

Yawning toes unfurl.

I look up and see a long shade
of blue

tired eyes drift upward
through corridors
past bricks of rust
and elapsed trust
speckles, flakes, gold dust
- the effortless swirls.

It is then I notice
the sun’s crooked nose,
the cloud’s heavy shoulders
rolling into black

and I realize
the deepening roses and lavenders
that decorate the nightfall
tell lies to cover

the fading bruises in the sky.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Grandma's Got Class

This is my new favorite picture. Family bbq...I love how classy my grandma is....notice the Sangria...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Crosshatched shrugs
and discarded revisions
litter the ground beside
rooted indecision.
Stale words bow deeply
in the air
for too long, far
too long for a ‘so long’
and now time grips,
and slips
between the tiny spaces,
portraits of framed faces
atop creaky shoulders

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Disclaimer Dance is the disclaimer to end all disclaimers. After this, I'm just going to post stuff. Really this goes for all of my poems...often I don't have a "point" I'm trying to get across. I'm merely just letting the words speak for themselves, and if you get something entirely different than I was thinking...well, even better! Now the same set of words have multiple meanings...which is why some people hate poetry..and just one reason of why I love it. And as always, they are a continual work in progress, so feel free to dish out the criticism, confusion, suggestions...whatevs (and in all honesty, most of these will be crap...but hopefully by the end of this there will be a few that it was worth it for)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

I'm in San Luis Obispo for the fourth of July this weekend...but here is proof that I am indeed working on things. Linnaeas lounging in the morning with tea and writing poetry. What could be better?

Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm not just a bum...

Ok, so I've actually been working on a lot of things lately...but none of them are finished...and I keep getting side-tracked! But they are good I guess I can't complain. Just know (to the invisible people who follow this blog...its really weird not knowing who reads this btw, haha) that I am not just being a bum! In the meantime...enjoy this hi-fricken-LARIOUS commercial. I couldn't stop laughing...seriously..
..... it now!! I seeee you (creeeeepy stare..heh heh heh (oh man, why am i so weird?))

Thursday, July 1, 2010

And That Is What Descartes Supposed

So, I have this poetry anthology that also has writing prompts at the end of each section...and sometimes I do these for fun. I did one today...and to be honest, I'm not really sure what the heck I wrote, haha...but so it goes.

Here's the prompt:
Start by thinking of some characters (human or not). The characters could be invented by you or by someone else. If you write a dialogue poem, you can make one character great and powerful and the other rather ordinary or helpless. Your made-up person might talk to a mountain or the sky or George Washington or Napoleon. Let the conversation be about something everybody is always wondering about - like beauty, love, friendship, death - but try making it a strange and unlikely conversation. If you like, let the characters bring in impossible and fantastic ideas - the idea that time is gone, that space is gone, that time goes backwards, etc. Remember, you don't have to understand why your characters say what they say, and you don't have to agree with them.

And That Is What Descartes Supposed

‘The unsettling shawl
of concern –
and yet the heart
creases and crows,’
and that is what Descartes supposed.

‘But what of soul?
Syncopating, beating, fleeting –
modern philosophy.
Consonants only lay waste,’
the wind’s whispers did lace.

‘Oh yes! The separation.
Floundering minds simmer –
distancing matter spits and spatters
in the space between.
The dual only grows,’
and that is what Descartes supposed.

‘But what of resolve?
A joining of forces –
like the ocean and the sky’s horizon,
together incompatibly beautiful
sealing sacred space.’
the wind’s whispers did lace.