Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm not just a bum...

Ok, so I've actually been working on a lot of things lately...but none of them are finished...and I keep getting side-tracked! But they are good I guess I can't complain. Just know (to the invisible people who follow this blog...its really weird not knowing who reads this btw, haha) that I am not just being a bum! In the meantime...enjoy this hi-fricken-LARIOUS commercial. I couldn't stop laughing...seriously..
..... it now!! I seeee you (creeeeepy stare..heh heh heh (oh man, why am i so weird?))


  1. Hey now, I resent that. I may be crazy, but I'm not invisible :P. Just call me Mr. Cellophane why don't you?

  2. haha oh ok. its just weird thinking people read this...i like to pretend they dont, haha
