Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't Think Twice, It's All Right

So I've been half done with this cover of Bob Dylan's "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" for foreeevvveerrr ('tis one of my favorites by him). And I finally got around to finishing it the other day...but I am still not sure of some of it...here is where YOU can come in! There are two versions posted on my facebook music page...all you need to do is tell me which one you like better (the only difference is the effects of the instruments...so which one sounds better to you). Just curious!


Thanks friends.


  1. I think I like the acoustic sound of the alternate version best. I want to play that one while I'm driving through Nevada this weekend!

  2. too late...i already decided and picked one..so now you just get to listen to it, haha
