Friday, September 24, 2010

The Accuser

**revision/different poem? I don't know

Oh one who sucks arid
the marrow of freedom out of
bones bought with the Blood.
Tell me, tell me.

The liar with the lair
in the deep of my soul.
Thieving and resurrecting.
Tell me, tell me.

Dripping with contempt
he is cloaked comfort.
Soothing syllables slump around shoulders
Tell me, tell me.

Ripples in self reflections
of this river I see.
Flowing, it rushes over
Tell me, tell me.

I know, I know
oh how I deserve
I know, I know
oh I’m not free, how can I be

Accuser of the Brethren
soft whispers splinter between
my folded faults
-- beauty’s hiding place.
I willingly embrace
the lion in the cave, the cave, the cave
oh and the desert,
soul thirsty,
the dry desert
of my own deception.
Tell me, tell me,
I will believe.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Accuser of the Brethren

** In response to Aaron Porter's sermon I listened to this morning

The Accuser of the Brethren,
-- the liar with the lair
in the deep of my soul --
sucks arid the marrow of freedom
out of bones bought with
the Blood.

Thieving and resurrecting
my throbbing insecurities,
he subtly pulses them into reason.

The heavy battle within
slowly tumbles
and roars.

The clashing swells
and surrounds me
too fast, too thick
until I cannot see,
ache to feel,
will not hear

Because the Accuser has coated each strike
with the dripping contempt
of what my flesh knows I deserve
and so I believe
and so I am deceived
into the darkness
-- the eternal shadow that only grows
and never fades.

I have stopped breathing,
my body cedes
to the unconscious assails
of nightmares and reality
that lock hands and
compose commands
I crumble to,
because my brittle frame
of mind has been depleted
of the Creator’s nutrients.

And so I have become
soul thirsty
in a dry desert of my own

Thursday, September 16, 2010

To My Dear Friend

While my hair was still a jungle
overgrown with curly Qs of mischief,
my dimples were mere afterthoughts
sprinkled lightly in the summer sun.
I sat there squished,
and frantically licking my popsicle
before the thieving sun.
You sat beside me, eating yours.
You played with your toes and dripped grape
onto mine.
Each of us holding on with tiny fingers
to our quickly melting innocence.

At seven I floated on an elephant
riding away through the clouds.
And you on the dragon,
smoke billowing into mist.
Grass itching our backs you mumbled your six-year-old love.
I scratched my tickled elbow and sailed away
through the drifting sea on my fluffy pirate ship.

At thirteen I stopped soaring,
and landed on the heavy ground.
I learned to walk with lead in my feet
and always in my hands.
The world engulfed us,
two flightless birds dissolving into the infinite eye.

At nineteen we met each other
for the first time.
Youthful giggles replaced by seasoned wisdom.
Oh, but your boyish grin never walked away
and neither did our childhood.
What to do with nostalgia?
Oh, how it scolds us still.

The campfire burned to embers
and our fathers embraced as brothers
that day. Years passed
like before, bookmarked for another.
But life’s fists fell hard
across our youthful dreams,
and stole you from us.
But I still have your boyish grin in my pocket
and years of adventure skinned upon my knees.
When you come down to visit,
look for me in the clouds
searching for lost treasure,
searching for you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I took this while I was reading (may have been more like napping...) on campus...and just figured out now how to get your pictures from your phone on your computer (don't judge me). I thought this one turned out pretty cool. That is all.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A New Look

...ok, not me...but a new look for the page haha. I was bored. El fin.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Tallest Man On Earth

If you haven't already heard of him...doooo it. He's kind of like a Bob Dylan meets Mumford & Sons meets Joe Purdy...or something like that. On sunday I'm seeing him in stoked! September really did creep in fast.

Anyways, just sharing the musical love.

Rolling Stone: The Tallest Man On Earth

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rock of Ages

I played this during Tree and Andrew's wedding while they took communion...after that I was harassed by several people to record here it is. Oh, and I guess I wanted to too...haha :)
Anyways, its not the greatest but what can you do? (Come on, my feet have been itching to do the disclaimer dance for awhile now..I was just too lazy to dance before. Ok, seriously what am I talking about? Haha. I'm done.)

--> Rock of Ages

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I finally finished one of my many half-completed songs. It's up on my facebook music page if you wish to czech it out.

New song esta aqui