Friday, September 24, 2010

The Accuser

**revision/different poem? I don't know

Oh one who sucks arid
the marrow of freedom out of
bones bought with the Blood.
Tell me, tell me.

The liar with the lair
in the deep of my soul.
Thieving and resurrecting.
Tell me, tell me.

Dripping with contempt
he is cloaked comfort.
Soothing syllables slump around shoulders
Tell me, tell me.

Ripples in self reflections
of this river I see.
Flowing, it rushes over
Tell me, tell me.

I know, I know
oh how I deserve
I know, I know
oh I’m not free, how can I be

Accuser of the Brethren
soft whispers splinter between
my folded faults
-- beauty’s hiding place.
I willingly embrace
the lion in the cave, the cave, the cave
oh and the desert,
soul thirsty,
the dry desert
of my own deception.
Tell me, tell me,
I will believe.

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