Monday, November 8, 2010

Straightforward Thoughts Are Overrated

I just realized something. All the lyrics I write that I end up liking are the ones that really make no immediate sense. That used to frustrate me because I thought "good songs" had lyrics in which people could connect and understand what was going inside my head. However...this had led to me writing countless lyrics over the years that I thought were "clear" and thus "right," which was true...but they sounded like the cheesiest crap I'd ever heard...which is why I don't like most of the stuff I've written.

But I finally get it. I can't write straightforward lyrics, because I don't have straightforward thoughts. And I'm ok with that. More so, I'm ok with other people not being ok with that. Part of what I've struggled with in songwriting (and life in general I guess) is the perception of what others will see of me. The more I've been able to let go of that, the more I've really felt my work reflect who I am. I still don't like most of it, but I'm starting to..bit by bit.

Instead of this straightforward message, I think my lyrics hover around ideas and emotions to situations sometimes tangible and sometimes not...and are really there to provoke questions rather than really answer them...or something.

So, sorry in advance for any confusion or frustration. Deal with it ;)

1 comment:

  1. What exactly are you trying to convey here?


    By the way, the last 16 posts just popped up all at once on my Google Reader. So yeah...I just learned that you're still alive (and still writing, no doubt)!
