Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ok...New Plan

So, I've seen a lot of my friends start photo blogs....where they take pictures everyday and use that as a starting point for prose..or no prose. I think I want to take that idea and run with it. Instead of always posting a photo, I think I'm going to expand that and prompt myself to post some sort of media/art everyday. By media I mean...a photo, a poem, a song, a painting, a doodle on a page...anything. I am living at home for the summer, which is great because I can finally spend some quality time with my family (for better or for worse...but either way, it's needed) and to save money (hooray for free food and rent at the parents!). However, being home really sucks all my motivation and inspiration out of, for real. It's ridiculous, I'll be sitting here and want to write something...but I just don't feel like it and I can't get past that...SO, I'm hoping this little assignment I gave to myself will jolt me from this stagnant rut...because it sucks.

To kick it off...I'll post a photo from graduation that I fiddled a bit with in photoshop. This seems to be one of the most relevant topics in my life right now...except how that topic will prove to play out (aka: my future now that I've graduated college) entirely up to God. Yay suprises (can you hear the sarcasm dripping? I hear it pouring).

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